Myspace should recognize Palestine Petition

I think that MySpace should recognize PALESTINE on their country list... Visit Myspace for more details on how to sign the petition:
I'm just your average princess just under occupation...
I went to the site, how do you sign it?
whoops, never mind found it under your info
I think you are missing something. This is nothing new, a pledge started long time ago asking many Blog Engines (including to add Palestine to their country list. Some already did, other are on the way. You can find all about what is going on here:
Anyway, great to see more cyber activism. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
PS. Do you know that you are already added to Palestine Blogs Aggregator:
Yeah thats great what you are doing and have done Haitham, mine is specifically for Myspace... I never saw one before and obviously others haven't done anything otherwise I wouldn't have done it.
Keep up the great work Lucy! This is the first I've heard of this on MySpace and I think it's an important and valid statement.
I have a Palestinian-Israeli peace blog directory at which I feature all the progressive blogs I can find writing about this conflict. I'd be happy to include you in this directory if you have an rss feed & can provide me the url.
Keep up the good writing!
To the above comment, I dont know how to moderate comments, but I wish I could delete your rude and disrespectful web address...
Even if you do not agree with Rachel Corrie and what her mission was, show respect, she has passed and at a young age.
Your cruelness doesn't even make me want to read, why we Palestinians get it wrong, so I wont be able to be enlightened by how you have it so right. I don't read pages written by people as your self... Refrain from visiting my site please.
"Palestinians" should first recognize "My Space" before My Space recognizes "Palestinians." (I am sure your dear readers understand what I am saying here).
I can't believe it took 9 comments for someone to say that.
You can't really be serious, right? I mean...recognize you? What does that mean - to recognize. To be able to see you when you are walking on the street? As in "Hey! I recognize the Palestinian over there - the one wearing that extra baggy shirt on a hot day, with the wires sticking out." Frankly, it is of no consequence if you recognize Israel, since you really do not exist outside the cowardly hearts of the world's academicians, media and anti-Jew governments.
Here's an article by a fellow Arab who unlike most is not afraid to speak the truth:
To clarify: when you 'sign up' for a account you are required to fill in information about yourself including country you live in. Lucy's petition is to have include 'Palestine' as an option, because that is where she lives.
Palestinians as a people have suffered invasion after invasion, occupation after occupation by political egoists and religious extremists. At the moment Palestinians are under the occupation of religious extremists who say that "God promised the land" that Palestinians live on, to them...exclusively.
As a definition the Palestinian people are are the people of the 'region' between the Jordan river and the Mediteranean Sea. Palestinians are a combination of Muslims, Christians and Jews they are mostly Arab speaking and mostly Muslim though they are not exclusively Muslim Arabs. Since the creation of Israel in Palestine 58 years ago, the Jewish population has grown from only 5% to nearly 50%.
The article you linked to by Joseph Farah is interesting...and sad. Joseph is an extremist Christian who believes that by supporting Jews in their brutal occupation of Palestine, it will usher in the second coming of their Messiah after the Jews rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem.
Religious extremism (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) is pretty interesting, eh? ...
Salam, I just wanted to leave a "hi" here. Just discovered this amazing blog. And thanks God that I didn't miss it for more than a 3 months. Finally a palestinian who seems to be able to say both good and bad things about palestinians. However much my own blog may come across as all complaints, it's for the same purpose as you wrote in another post - to improve.
Keep up the good work. //Imaan
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Great blog. Just came across it and signed your MySpace petition. Was thinking of makeing a MySpace page, but think I'll wait for a bit. I'll recognize MySpace when it recognizes you.
Keep on keepin' on,
-- andy
I'll publish that link on my site as well :)
Just to let you know that as a Zionist I support this initiative. If a people feel that they deserve a state than they should have one.
Oh, and about this... When Palestine is a country, officially recognized by the US (which is where myspace is located) it'll happen.
Until then, why don't they list Tibet, Basque, Northern Cyprus, Kachin and god knows who else?
I agree with the need for a free Palestine... just not with the fact that it exists yet.
There are several other regions that deserve recognition prior to the disputed Israeli territories.
But at least your protest is non-violent.
Tomer, your argument is spurious.
Tibetans may want and deserve to be independent, but until that happens they are citizens of the PRC.
Palestinians are not reluctant Isreali citizens. Without a Palestian option in the MySpace registration process, are they meant to just say "Bugger it! Let's say I'm from New Zealand..."?
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