Musings of a Palestinian Princess: Suicide Bomber in Gaza -- A WOMAN!

Musings of a Palestinian Princess

I'm just your average princess just under occupation...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Suicide Bomber in Gaza -- A WOMAN!

A women in her 50's kills herself and 6 others in a suicide bombing...


so sad...

When I saw her on the news of her presuicide video, the first thing that came to my mind was... wow, she can read.

I think the last two suicide bombers from Palestine have been women???!!! --GASP--

For some silly reason I always think suicide bombers are really hopeless and uneducated.

Lets discuss and profile a suicide bomber, what exactly needs to go through someones mind and life to go to the lengths of killing themselves and killing potentially innocent people.

Alex.. I'm gonna e-mail you!


At Thursday, November 23, 2006 10:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps compare this 57 year old Fatma and the 57 year old Fatima killed last week. Both were Muslim, both lived within 20 miles of each other, and both were victims of Arab/Muslim aggression.

Of course, the differences are also worth noting...

At Friday, November 24, 2006 7:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For some silly reason I always think suicide bombers are really hopeless and uneducated"

Your thought is wrong, there are too many bombers that are educated and been to universities. Also, they're hopeless about their people situation not hopeless about their lives and the problems they face in their personal life. You better research and fix your thought.

At Friday, November 24, 2006 2:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasn't the intended target, and the victims, Israeli military personnel? that's what all the major media is saying.

At Friday, November 24, 2006 5:01:00 PM, Blogger Abu-Issa said...

The armed wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing so it wasn't just the actions of a single, desperate Woman. Here's the story.

The Palestinian situation is desperate, however, it's from the prodding of a group like Hamas that pushes people into doing things like this.

Having a limited education might also contribute in the sense that s/he will believe what an authority figure would have to say more...and NOT in the sense that she was too dumb to understand what she was doing.


At Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Lucy,

I emailed you a couple of days ago on your old e-mail where we used to exchange e-mails. Did your email change? I will email you again right now.

Now, regarding suicide bombers.
I have been thinking about that as well and came to opinion that a very well educated person, who can recognize good from evil, probably will not become a suicide bomber. But and big but is, what if that person is desparate? His or her family was murdered and they don't have anybody left. If I try very hard, I guess I can understand them a little bit but not fully....

At Monday, November 27, 2006 11:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the last 60 years Palestine has been reduced to a state 10% of what it use to be back then. The jews all accross the globe have decided to have their own state hence started the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian.

What we see now in Palestine is lost hope, streets flow with blood spilt day in day out.

No doubt the controlled wiping out of the Palestinians continues, so These women whom no doubt be next, go and die as matyrs. Its not a matter of courage but a matter of duty to save whats left of Palestine.

if 90% has been taken do we really think the Jewish extremist will allow the 10% to remain? Well let me tell everyone this, this has been taken care of. The grate wall has boxed in the Palestinian and as a result of it they are dying.

What is the difference between such martyedom operations compared to the isreali anihilation? somehow martyrdome operation is regarded as terrorism. when clear state terrorism are given the blind eye.

At Sunday, December 03, 2006 2:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a suicide bomber. . . involves killing innocent people that you don't know. I can understand targeted attacks, but not attacks aimed at civilians. I hope that soon no one will have to deal with violence or aggression. It seems that steps are being made toward rational dialogue, compromise and tolerance. I hope so!
Thank you for your post! I am glad that you are back and are posting again. Best regards from lynne in Texas

At Tuesday, December 05, 2006 1:47:00 AM, Blogger Simon said...

Interesting. If you look at other terror groups take the ones on my island. While the IRA and UVF would go for pretty much the same targets as Hamass go for. (Civilians areas etc) There was very little (I certainly can not remember hearing of an incident in 30 years) suicide bombing. And they would use much the same rethoric as funk999 did. Why the difference here? I have no idea

At Friday, December 08, 2006 5:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks there is a good book about female suicide bombers called Army of Roses. I am no expert on the subject but l;ots has to do with Israel and lots has to with the dynamiocs of Palestinian Society. Either way a sad commentery.\Steve

At Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy what is up how come uyou never write anymore

At Saturday, December 16, 2006 6:53:00 PM, Blogger What is "Occupation" said...

fuNk999 said...
Over the last 60 years Palestine has been reduced to a state 10% of what it use to be back then. The jews all accross the globe have decided to have their own state hence started the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian.

there never has been a palestine state. the disputed lands that are the area of issue INCLUDE jordan, gaza and the west bank.

25% of Israel is palestinian, whereas the entire arab world has either murdered or expelled it's indegious jewish populations.

97% of all disputed so called "palestinian" lands have been offered in a settlement for peace.

Israel withdrew from gaza and what did that bring? rockets...

no, homicide bombers are the product of a cult, a death cult to be specific...

if and when the people who label themselves as palestinains choose peace and statehood they will get it, if they choose murder and statehood they will have death

At Monday, December 18, 2006 10:18:00 PM, Blogger Obseervador said...

As far as I am aware suicide bombers are more educated than the average population so to speak.
Uneducated people dont blow themselves.
This is very true.
Its not the first time female suicide bombers blow themselves.
Back in January 2004 a female with 2 small children did blow herself.
It was very , very sad.

This is all very sad.
Wasted lives is what I would call.

At Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lucy, thanks to writing to me :(
Happy to know you're in good health and being busy with your international studies.
Why all this human bombs, wars? because of confusion between religions and polititic, because of research of power and money (that's the power today in our world). People only needs food, a place to live, a force to learn. Some educated person uses poor people to go to death, that's not new. Your hope to change this situation is good for me. I have paint a 1x3 meters canvas for you, called "Dance à Jérusalem". Au revoir Lucy.

At Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lucy, thanks to writing to me :(
Happy to know you're in good health and being busy with your international studies.
Why all this human bombs, wars? because of confusion between religions and polititic, because of research of power and money (that's the power today in our world). People only needs food, a place to live, a force to learn. Some educated person uses poor people to go to death, that's not new. Your hope to change this situation is good for me. I have paint a 1x3 meters canvas for you, called "Dance à Jérusalem". Sad now.

At Wednesday, December 27, 2006 8:51:00 AM, Blogger Aliza said...

Hi Lucy,

I just came across this blog and noticed that you were from NABLUS! I had the wonderful luck to volunteer there for half a year some time ago, and I miss the city very much. I hope very much to get to read more about the current happenings in the city on your blog. Post pictures!

It was nice to read the very modern, open attitude you have on your blog. I don't mean to have stereotypes, but I found that it was hard to express or find those kind of opinions in Nablus- I know it is because of the situation and the suffering, but it's nice to read a Nabulsi voice that is open and unashamed of it :)

At Sunday, January 07, 2007 4:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

people kill. there is no sanitised way to kill. As we saw recently with the death of saddam hussein. of course suicide bombing is cowardly way to die, and a selfish and ignorant one too. right now i am focused on the killing between your arab brethren in Gaza. A real shadow over any hope for coexistence with israel, or with themsleves alone.
Long live Fatah, long live Abbas.

At Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think that this has to be said.... Before there can be peace between Israel and palestinians, there needs to be agreement between palestinians. It is a shame to watch. What is more shameful to watch is how Sunnis and Shiates are killing each other in Iraq!

At Friday, February 02, 2007 7:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LUcy got fucked again ...this time by her Hamas neighbour!

At Monday, February 05, 2007 8:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is by one of those strange coincidences that i found your blog site and that it contains a blog about this issue as it is often on my mind and in the past week has been on my mind a LOT. I was originally searching for info about news in ramallah today because my sis-in-law has just arrived there to spend a year doing legal work for Palestinian children, with an NGO. Instead i ended up here. palestine has become a big part of my life, by marriage to another Palestinian Princess here in Australia. her extended family still live in the Galilee. I have always been interested in the conflict but it has become quite real to me over the past ten years or so, due to the course life has taken.

Long story short, i have thought a great deal about what makes a suicide bomber and, in particular, a female suicide bomber. Ever since a sister-in-law's fiance was killed in a restaurant in haifa, israel, in October 2003. One of over 30 killed, he was an Arab, as were numerous others killed. I cannot speak for my any member of my wife's family, but while i have felt many things about this event and the massive impact it had on a family both in Israel/Palestine and also many thousands of kilometres away, I have never, not even for a moment, felt hate for the bomber, who was a 28 year old female, a professional, educated woman - a lawyer. My facts on her are sketchy apart from these, i do know she was from Jenin and (I think) she had both a male brother and male cousin killed by Occupation forces in preceeding years. This event did NOTHING to alter my views on the conflict except strengthen them. I just cannot stop thinking about the human conditions and misery that drove this girl to do this thing. I have had many theories about it. But one thing is certain - whatever one's ultimate views on this conflict, life is about 'cause and effect'. None of these people are monsters. They might be manipulated, or they might be doing it with eyes wide open. But it is wrong to get obsessed with this aspect of the question. They are people who want to live and live well, and yet they end up taking this course of action. To blame religion alone is wrong. If any person is treated like garbage, deprived of humanity, deprived of any kind of legitimate identity, deprived of professional or personal opportunities, and living in a climate of loss and fear and frustration, is it any wonder they head ddown a path that leads them, ultimately, to inflict such massive pain and misery on other people in such a violent and disproportionate way. Cause and Effect.

Previous experience in debating anything to do with Israel/Palestine has taught me to anticipate certain predictable criticisms of my opinions, so, at the risk of sounding aggressive i take the liberty of saying the following: and if anyone wants to criticise my views on the basis that I live too far away to understand the conflict and that i should keep my views to myself, I am happy to go one on one to justify my views. The loss and the pain and the frustration that results from these tragedies doesnt travel by plane; it has as instant and deep an effect on the people affected by the tragedy here in Australia as it would be if we were all living over there all the time.

Anyway Lucy - a pleasure to find yr blog and I admire your initiative. we need many many more people like you.

At Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The situation is the reason that I believe the unemployed and others who feel that there is no future do these attacks. Especially as the financial backing for the attacks ($10000 US) is no longer supplied by Iraq. The governments of both Israel and Palestine spend an inordinate amount of moneuy in weapons that should be going on social infrastructure. This causes massive unemployment and the cycle continues

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam,I am a muslim journalist in China, working for China Newsweks.My name is Ali Qin.I got your blog via globalvoiceonline.I am a muslim and now doing report on the Middle East.By the way, I studied in AUB 2 years before, and there I got some friends.

I hope you can do me a favor.
There is a leading media online, NETEASE, and the editor is my close friend.they do a project,Road of Peace,the project want to collect peaceful words of every countries.please check
Now they are looking someone in Palestean to leave messages.If possible, please leave in Arabia, and your tel NO.
Everyday, 2 million people view netease News Channel
About myself, I have wrote somestories on Palestine, also, I had interview with Zahar, and pressman of Hamas before. To be honest, I am not a supporter of them.But, It is my pleasure to let more Chinese understand the Middle east, Palestine-Israel conflict and also, Islam.

If you accept to do the job, please connect to me.


At Monday, March 05, 2007 10:09:00 PM, Blogger nuh ibn zbigniew gondek said...

As salaam alaikum.

I write for a largely Muslim audience. Come by inshallah when you have some time to read.

Wa salaama,

nuh ibn

At Monday, March 19, 2007 4:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a word that Lucy got shot

At Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:32:00 PM, Blogger Bob said...

A little education is a dangerous thing.

Young people leave University thinking they no more than they do. They are also impatient to make their impact on the world.

It can be very frustating not to have your hard work rewarded with opportunity.

With one pull of a cord they make what they percieve is a positive change. No need to burden themselves with the life of struggle and hardship required to really make a small positive difference.

They get instant gratification. Instant meaning to their lives. If there was a pill that could make everyone instantly into hero, we would all be taking it.


At Tuesday, April 03, 2007 7:17:00 PM, Blogger Arab Lady said...

sounds u didnt ask ur self why this "Suicide Bomber" did that

At Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

read this: responsibility, perception & national identity: rationalizing factors in palestinian support for suicide tactics

an interesting study...

At Tuesday, June 26, 2007 7:10:00 PM, Blogger Lirun said...

i wish u would blog more..

At Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:30:00 PM, Blogger Sidqi said...

Head over to this site to understand the situation better by viewing some documentaries about the ongoing conflict.

The site works best with Mozilla Firefox browser.

At Sunday, July 15, 2007 12:03:00 AM, Blogger mike marcus said...

I come from the other side of the wall. I am a Jewish Israeli living in Tel Aviv.

I have always made the assumption that people on both sides who voluntarily participate in violent acts are less educated because lets face it, you have to be a bit stupid to think that perpetuating the cycle of violence might actually solve something.

Mind you, I live in a country of stupid people. If we had any sense there would be mass objection from the army and the government would have to change their policies.

Salaam Alecum


At Tuesday, September 25, 2007 1:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are still young to understand such a subject, you are the new generation, you might not seen the suffer people have gone through!

Keep in mind ALL the weapons and mass destruction, f16 etc is made på educated people so this has NOTHING to do with suicide people.

The war has nothing to do with educated people.

READ HISTORY! it somehow repeat itself!

At Monday, October 29, 2007 10:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the point of keeping up a blog if it is never maintained. Lucy you have not written a thing in almost a year. Have you forgotten all your readers? Oh by the way i found out your real name it is Widaad Dheib. I am a bit of a rebel rouser but I want you to write again ansd some people want to resume contact.
Take care from your friend Trouble Maker.

At Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we gonna fine this Dheib girl in Nablus

At Saturday, November 03, 2007 1:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys, wanna send flowers?

At Tuesday, December 25, 2007 5:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was she lesbian?

70 virgins?

At Friday, January 11, 2008 7:30:00 PM, Blogger asdf said...

There was a empirical study done on Suicide bombers that showed they are generally weathy and well educated.

you can find a bit about it here

I came across it after Chomsky mentioned him.

Take care! :)


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