Cabby Gets Shot
So imagine... You are a cabby, you get a call at 5am to pick a customer up to take them to work. The customer lives by Balata camp, which you know is under curfew now, and soldiers are in the vicinity, 2 are already dead in Balata. So since your customer isn't IN Balata, you accept and drive over there... Its still dark out and you notice on the road that there is an Israeli hummer, so you KNOW the road is closed, so you don't bring too much attention to yourself, you turn the lights off and make a u-turn to go home. You're on the phone with the customer to tell them that you can't enter that part of the city because the soldiers have blocked the road and you are going back ho ---- As you feel a sudden pressure in the lower part of your head and hear more gun shots and another bullet enters you in the shoulder. Actually, I now know that exactly 40 more shots were fired.
((NEWS FLASH - I just got news that there was an explosion in Balata, and 4 peramedics have been shot and are injured, I will update as soon as I can))
Ok, back to the cabby, who happens to be a close friend of my families, and is like 60 years old!!
He is living though, my brother just got back from the hospital and he is gonna make it, they can't take the bullet out of his shoulder though, it could be to risky of an opperation for him. Oh, and after he was shot and the Israeli soldiers went to see what was up, they realized he was an innocent old man and called the ambulence straight away -- so sweet of them!
I mean the man was driving AWAY, not towards them, he wasn't a risk.... He just knew because this happens all the time, that when you get too close they get on their loud speaker and say "GET BACK GET BACK" so you gotta turn around anyway, I guess he looked "suspicious" when he turned his lights off...
NOTE TO SELF - Do not leave your house when soldiers are ANYWHERE in the city... because they could pop up anywhere and if you look suspicious you will be shot.